Wednesday, 8 October 2008


UCU has recently been informed that management at Essex University has said no to a privatisation deal with INTO. This comes on the back of an effective campaign by the local branch which saw 90% of staff, voting in an open referendum, agreeing that a partnership with INTO would damage Essex University.

Management at MMU are seeking a similar deal with another private company Navitas. This potential deal remains shrouded in secrecy as the VC signed a confidentiality agreement and so cannot discuss the deal with staff at MMU without Navitas' permission. UCU locally and nationally are continuing in our campaign for openness and transparency by calling on the VC to withdrawn from the confidentiality agreement.

We also remain committed to fighting against any privatisation of academic provision and for bringing back in-house previously privatised services.

For more information on Essex University see:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are some honest mistakes here.

90% of the 2500 staff at Essex did not vote against it: the vote came from 90% of the fifty or so UCU activists who could be bothered to attend the meeting.

The "referendum" campaign was strangely silent on anything but the official UCU position. More like an Albanian general election than anything resembling democracy!